Saturday, September 5, 2009


Everything gets multiplied...

This i got from my friend Neelima..She is my batch mate here and in a very short time we became good friends..She is full of positive energy and positive attitude towards life...and believe me it really helps in overcoming number of situations..

"Everything gets multiplied" is true in every situation of life..whether good or bad...whatever we do gets multiplied...and its effect is not only limited to us but to our surroundings...

At time when we do something and result is unexpected we feel it was all would be better if i would have not done that...we don't realize output may take sometime and the the output we are seeing is just an internal process of the work done..The things which we do further adds to this process to give the final result...

We should always look for bigger picture in our life as tats what matters in our life...And the bigger picture is always satisfying...Moreover, by focusing on bigger picture we can easily overcome other shortcomings in our life also...

Everything we do gets multiplied is true in every aspects..lets take some example...

Friends...We make friends in our life through interaction...the more we interact our friend circle keep multiplying...The more we talk, more we know new things...our knowledge bank keeps multiplying...The more we eat, more our weight gets multiplied...:)

The best thing about "Everything gets multiplied" is that it always motivates us to help others..This gives meaning to the life and always adds to internal satisfaction and happiness...

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